We are at the
end of another church year and the beginning of a new one. The end of the church year as well as the
beginning of Advent is a time in which we meditate upon the end of the world
and the second coming of Jesus. We sing
hymns like “The Day is Surely Drawing Near,” or “Wake Awake, for Night is
Flying.” It is a constant reminder to
live our lives in daily repentance.

He comes to judge the nations,
A terror to His foes,
A light of consolations
And blesséd hope to those
Who love the Lord’s appearing.
O glorious Sun, now come,
Send forth Your beams so cheering,
And guide us safely home.
Jesus is
certainly coming. His Kingdom is
coming. And Paul says that it is the
lovers of Jesus’ appearing who will receive the crown of righteousness when
Jesus comes again (2nd Tim 4:8).
But how are we lovers of His appearing?
We can only be lovers of His appearing if His kingdom comes to us, and
it is already here for those who believe in His Name and trust Him alone for
their forgiveness, life, and salvation.
This is what we learn in the Catechism (Lord’s Prayer, 2nd
does God’s kingdom come? God’s
kingdom comes when our heavenly Father give us His Holy Spirit, so that by His
grace we believe His holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in
We enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven right here when we hear His holy
Word through which the Holy Spirit sustains us in our faith in Jesus. So when we pray to our Father in Heaven, we
aren’t praying to some remote place with clouds and cupid angels. Jesus doesn’t live on some planet far
away. No, heaven is close to us who
believe. Why? Because heaven is where God is, and those who
trust in Jesus alone and in His merits, His suffering and dying in your place,
His forgiveness – those who trust the God who justifies the ungodly, their
faith is counted as righteousness, and their God is not far from them. Heaven is high above us, because it is above
our understanding, as God says through the mouth of Isaiah:
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah
But if God
has revealed His mercy to us in the suffering and dying of His Son, and if God
sends the Word of Christ into our ears and into our hearts, then despite our
small understanding we can know for certain that our heaven is actually very
close to us.
And Heaven is
close to us for our benefit. God’s
presence among us is not known in any other way than through His Life-giving
Word of Truth. We experience God not by
getting warm fuzzies or when things are going our way at work or in our
lives. No, we experience God when His
Kingdom comes through the Word of peace and forgiveness of the crucified and
risen Lord Jesus. We know Jesus because
He continues to come to us in His Word.
So when we keep dwelling in His Word, we get to know Him better. It is through faith in Him alone that we are
lovers of His appearing.
1 comment:
Thanks for this devotional post.
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