Greetings in the name
of the Triune God who justifies the ungodly through faith for
Christ's sake!
I am serving my
vicarage year at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Waterloo, ON. I am very
excited that we have been able to start a weekly campus Bible study
every Tuesday night at Wilferd Laurier here in Waterloo. So far we
have only a few students joining us, but I like to look at it as a
good start and a good base. We are currently going through the
articles of the Augsburg Confession. I find that it is a good study
for university students, since it addresses our Christian faith
according to one of our historical confessions of faith. My goal is
to engage them in constructive discussions and fruitful learning.
It is such a privilege
to teach the Christian faith as it is laid out in the Augsburg
Confession. On June 25th, 1530 our Lutheran fathers
presented this confession before the emperor of the Holy Roman
Empire, Charles V. They boldly and courageously confessed the
Scriptural truths that were faithfully taught by the Apostles of our
Lord Jesus Christ. What they confessed on that day remains the
confession of each and every one of us even today. I am a firm
believer that Christian theology is not just for seminary students,
professors, and pastors. It is for all Christians. Article IV of
the Augsburg Confession says that people are declared innocent and
“for Christ's
sake, through faith, when they believe that they are received into
favor, and that their sins are forgiven for Christ's sake, who, by
His death, has made satisfaction for our sins. This faith God
imputes for righteousness in His sight.” This truth is the center
of all that I am teaching to the students because it is the center of
all that we as Christians believe, teach, learn, and confess. I ask
for your prayers that through this campus ministry, the Holy Spirit
would strengthen these students' faith in their Saviour through His
pure teaching.
Andrew Preus
Students in the Kitchener/Waterloo area, please join us at room 431
Bricker Academic Building, Wilfred Laurier, Waterloo, ON on Tuesdays
at 8:00 pm. This coming Tuesday, November 6th,
2012, we will not meet, since I will be at a Pastors' Conference.
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