6 Now as a concession, not a command, I say this.[a] 7 I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.
8 To the unmarried (widowers) and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. 9 But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
This is our Text
kind of a fool would get married?!” This question demonstrates the
world’s attitude toward marriage. Marriage is thought by many to
be an outdated institution that restricts sexual freedom. On the
other end of the spectrum, marriage is thought to be a distraction
from an active church life. Celibacy is then touted by some to be
the ideal lifestyle for the Christian. But despite the views of men,
Holy Scripture declares that God still honors marriage and Christ
still identifies Himself as the faithful Bridegroom of His Church.
Paul demonstrates this in his command in Ephesians chapter 5,
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave
himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25)
instituted marriage before the fall into sin. Despite what many
believe, marriage is not an invention of man or some ascetic attempt
to prevent people from having fun. Marriage was not invented to put
a bridle on sinful man to make sure that he behaves himself.
Marriage was a gift given by God to two perfect human beings. God
said that it was not good for man to be alone, so He gave Eve to
Adam. God loved Adam and He wanted Adam to have a helper and a
companion. He also wanted Adam and his wife to have children, which
again is intended to be a gift to marriage. Yes indeed, marriage is a
wonderful gift from God.
instituted marriage on account of His love for us. After the fall
into sin, the effect of sin cursed this once perfect union;
nevertheless, God continues to bless it. Because of the desire to
disobey God, marriage has suffered. Many do not see the point in it
at all. A common refrain among this generation is, “I do not need
a piece of paper to show my commitment.” Among those who do marry,
many of their marriages are torn asunder by divorce.
fact is people hate commitment. People opt out of marriage in favor
of not-so-binding relationships, where they can satisfy their sexual
desires without the “till death do us part” commitment.
however, is committed. While His people may befoul the marriage bed,
along with breaking every one of His commands, God sent His Son to
pay the price for their misconduct. Christ came and suffered the
full punishment for all of your and my misdeeds. After perfectly
fulfilling the whole law, Jesus clothed His Church with His own
righteousness. The stench of her sins was replaced with the fresh
fragrance of His holiness. The dirty beggar rags that she wore were
replaced with a gorgeous wedding garment of the purest white that no
bleach could ever achieve. And yet that is exactly what the blood of
Christ Jesus did!
indeed gave Himself fully, not withholding any of his body, blood,
soul, humanity, or divinity. Christ is fully committed.
to what does Christ liken this remarkable relationship He has with
His Church? To marriage! Christ chose His Church for His bride. He
literally gave His whole self to her. The Church's body is no longer
her own, but she belongs to Christ, her head. Christ continually
gives Himself to His Church, so that those within the fold may
receive Him through faith.
Paul does write that he wishes all to be unmarried, as he is. Paul
wishes this for his readers, because he knows that marriage demands
dedication. Because of his freedom from marriage, Paul was able to
devote himself wholly to the Church and his mission given to him by
Christ. Paul is right that marriage can distract from ones
devotion to the Church. However, within marriage, husband and wife
can remind each other of the one thing needful. Husband and wife are
to forgive each other. They should constantly remind each other
where that forgiveness comes from. Marriage is supposed to emulate
Christ’s relationship with His Church. When husband and wife fail
to imitate this perfect union, which they will, they can remind each
other that Christ’s commitment to His bride is unfailing.
a member of Christ’s Church, the flock of sinners looking to their
Savior for forgiveness, you are part of the bride of Christ! Christ
purchased you for a great price. As Paul recorded in the chapter
prior to this text, “You are not your own!” (1 Cor. 6:19)
Indeed you have been united with Christ in one spirit and the Holy
Spirit dwells in you! As the two in marriage become one flesh, you
have become one with Christ and are in fact a member of Christ’s
body. But when you engage in sexual immorality, you sin not only
against your own body, but against Christ's body! Sexual immorality
works against the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you. Despite what
today’s culture claims, it is not your body and you cannot
do what you want with it!
is why Paul does not command that you be unmarried like him,
but he acknowledges that each has his own gift of Grace from God.
For those whom God did not gift with the ability to live a life
without sexual relations, Paul commands that they get married to
prevent sexual immorality. Satan takes advantage of the desire of
the flesh. He wants you to indulge in your sexual desires and
desecrate the temple of the Holy Spirit. God gives sex as a gift to
marriage is not simply a loophole to satisfy the sexual desire of
man. Christ gave himself selflessly to His Church, so that His
Church belongs not to herself, but to Him. Likewise, the husband,
therefore, does not own his own body, but it belongs first to Christ
and then to His wife. Or is the wife’s body her own, but it
belongs first to Christ and then to her husband. Each spouse is
required to give him or herself selflessly to the other.
gift from God is starkly different from the sexual relations of those
outside marriage, which are self-serving and offensive to Christ.
Christ has indeed blessed the sexual relationship between husband and
wife even to be analogous to His relationship with His Church. It is
not a perverted act, but a sanctified act. God then also blesses
this relationship to bring children into the world to be baptized in
His name and brought up as members of His Church.
mainstream media thought that the Christian world would be rattled by
the recently discovered manuscript that claimed that Jesus had a
wife. This fraudulent “gospel” was likely written to depict
Christ, not as an eternal Savior, but as a human role model, whom we
could emulate.
Christ did, of course, take a bride for Himself, but Christ's bride
is a spiritual one. Through His relationship with His spiritual
bride, Christ demonstrates to us the perfect marriage. He covered
every blemish of His bride and presented her perfect to His and our
Heavenly Father. Every single member of the Church, His bride is
presented in His righteousness. As the Prophet Isaiah wrote,
“My soul shall exult in
my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has
covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks
himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride
adorns herself with her jewels.” (Isaiah 61:10)
gave himself perfectly to His bride. He did not broadcast her
imperfections to the world, but he covered every blemish she had. He
did not give Himself to her unwillingly, but willingly, without
complaint. His bride is not a distraction to Him, but a wonderful
beauty to whom He gladly devotes Himself. Christ sees each of you as
a member of the Church, His beautiful bride.
you are selfish and you distract yourself from your duty to the
Church, Christ seeks to cover that corruption with His perfection.
When you are hateful toward your spouse and deny the love due him or
her, Christ continues His commitment toward you and is ready to
forgive you. Even when you practice sexual immorality, Christ does
not wish to take His Holy Spirit from you, but that you would repent,
so that He can send His Sanctifying Spirit to strengthen you and
cleanse you. Your failure to commit, your lack of devotion, and your
impurity do not make Christ any less committed, or devoted, or pure.
His relationship with His Church is forever. He will never stop
giving Himself selflessly to His Church.
loves marriage. That is why He blesses it. Despite the corruption
of this world, God is still with this heavenly estate. Indeed it can
be called a heavenly estate, because Christ’s heavenly marriage
will last forever. God still blesses marriage even if you corrupt
your own. Christ invites you to look at His relationship with His
Church to see how your marriage ought to be. He also invites you to
remind your spouse of the forgiveness Christ has won for His Church.
Although your marriage is not perfect, Christ sanctifies your
marriage through His own. He looks at your marriage as perfect and
holy just as His relationship with His bride is, because He made your
marriage holy. He washed all the impurities in your marriage with
His blood, so that there is no blemish. He gives forgiveness to both
husband and wife to share with each other.
you are married or not, whether your marriage is blissful or
difficult, you are united to your heavenly Bridegroom as a member of
the Church, His flawless bride, Along with all the saints washed in
Christ’s blood, you can be confident that Christ will remain
committed to you, to make you pure and holy, and to give Himself to
you fully forever.
us Pray:
pray Thee, dear Lord Jesus, my heart to keep and train
I thy holy temple from youth to age remain.
Thou my thoughts forever from worldly wisdom’s lore;
I but learn to know Thee, I shall not want for more. (TLH 655-
Thomas Kingo)
I preached this sermon this morning in the chapel of CLTS. Normally, I would not post a sermon before I preach it, but I wanted to get the blog going.
Good sermon, James.
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