Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Message from the Editor

Hi Everyone!  I am James Preus, President of the student body at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary and Co-Student Editor of Propter Christum along with Wes Hromowyk and our layout manager Paul Schulz.  We will have both an Advent and a Lent issue of Propter Christum coming out this school year.  If you would like hard copies of our journal to share with your Lutheran Student Fellowship, Christ on Campus, seminary or church group, or just for your personal use, please let send me an email at  Our blog will also be regularly updated by contributers of current CLTS students and alums, so check us out often for new posts!

In Christ,

James Preus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have your blog on subscription in Google Reader, so I see your new posts automatically.