Propter Christum
"... damnant nos, quod docemus, homines non propter sua merita, sed gratis propter Christum consequi remissionem peccatorum fide in Christum." "... they condemn us, because we teach that men, not on account of their own works, but graciously on account of Christ, obtain remission of sins by faith in Christ." Propter Christum is a Confessional Lutheran theological journal put out by the students of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Voice of One Crying in the Prison A Sermon by Vicar John Nieminen.
Voice of One Crying in the Prison
on Matthew 11:2 – 11
beloved children of God who suffer: grace, mercy, and peace to you
from God the Father and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
the Baptist is a hero of the faith. Before John was even born he
rejoiced when Jesus was near. He leapt with joy in his mother’s
womb when Jesus, also carried in His mother’s womb, came to visit
[Lk. 1:39 – 45]. John’s ministry was foretold by Old Testament
prophets [Is. 40:3 – 5, Lk. 3:4 – 6], and his birth was announced
by an angel to his father [Lk. 1:11 – 20]. He had a miraculous
birth, born to a couple too old to have children, and his mother
being barren. John’s father was even given a sign by the angel
concerning the prophecy of his birth – he was mute until John was
the forerunner who prepared the way for Jesus, was filled with the
Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb. He baptized Jesus in the
Jordan River, saw the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus in the form of a
dove, and heard the voice of God the Father announce from heaven,
“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased [Mt. 3:13 –
17].” John proclaimed the One to come, the One greater than him.
He preached repentance, telling people to turn away from their sins
in preparation for the coming of the mightier One.
asks, “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed
shaken by the wind?” Certainly not. This hero of the faith was
not like a reed swayed by public opinion and societal pressures. He
preached God’s Word whether the hearers liked it or not. And his
preaching of repentance was not exactly liked by everyone. Herod,
the ruler of Galilee, had divorced his wife and taken Herodias, his
brother’s wife [Lk. 3:18 – 20]. Others around Herod accepted his
adulterous life, but John preached God’s Law to Herod as he did to
everyone else, without fear of consequences. He was not a reed that
bends to the fear of man, even a man as powerful as Herod.
the Baptist was an unswerving preacher of God’s Word. A steadfast
teacher of the truth. The crowds came to him to ask him, “What
should we do [Lk. 3:10]?” Tax collectors and soldiers came to him
and asked him, “What should we do [Lk. 3:12, 14]?” People came
to John for answers, and John always had them. He would point them
to God’s Word: this is the will of God; walk this path. He had
many disciples that followed him, but he continually pointed them to
Christ – saying He is the One. I am not worthy to untie His
hero’s life work was pointing to Christ. And he gave up much in
order to do it. “What then did you go out to see? A man dressed
in soft clothing? Behold, those who wear soft clothing are in kings’
houses.” John the Baptist gave up a life of comfort that he might
have had as the son of the high priest Zechariah. He gave up soft,
rich clothing, for garments of camel’s hair. He gave up luxurious
foods for locusts and wild honey. He was resolute in what he
believed and what he taught. There was no uncertainty. He pointed
to Christ and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the
sin of the world [Jn. 1:29].”
then, something happened which John did not anticipate. His
preaching of repentance to Herod because of Herod’s adultery landed
him in prison. His preparing the way of the Lord resulted in his
loss of freedom. He was confined to a small, dark dungeon. He was
left alone, without the crowds that followed him, without his
was shocked. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was waiting for
the coming kingdom of God, the deliverance of God’s people, the Day
of Judgment on those who opposed the Messiah’s kingdom. “Even
now the axe is laid to the root of the trees,” he had preached [Mt.
3:10]. Christ’s winnowing fork is in His hand to collect His wheat
into the barn and cast the chaff into unquenchable fire [Lk. 3:17].
How is it possible that Herod can have John the Baptist cast into
prison? How is it possible that the one who prepares the way for the
Judge of the living and the dead is cast into prison by this this
adulterous chaff?
in the jail cell, John sees no sign of the deliverance of God’s
people, no sign even of his deliverance from prison. This is where
doubt sets in. This is where the devil attacks, when John is at his
weakest. He begins to question, is Jesus the One? Is He truly the
deliverer, or is there someone else? If Jesus is the Messiah, why
would I be suffering here in prison? If Jesus is the deliverer, why
has He not come to deliver me? So he sends his disciples to ask
Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for
does Jesus respond? In anger? “Did you not see the Spirit descend
on me in the form of a dove? Did you not hear my Father’s voice
from heaven? Did you not yourself point to me and say, ‘Behold,
the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world?’” No, this
was not Jesus’ response – He responds with words of comfort.
And, in fact, Jesus starts to praise John, saying he is greater than
a prophet, the greatest born of women. What a response considering
the doubt evident in John’s question to Jesus.
having faith, we still sometimes doubt. We often have many doubts.
We sometimes doubt God’s guidance in our lives. We doubt if His
will is really good for us. If God wants what is best for me, why am
I suffering such a horrible illness? If God loves me, why did my
spouse leave me? If God is real, why would He allow me to lose my
job? This week, there are many parents in Connecticut asking why God
would permit their children to be massacred. We sometimes doubt if
God even hears our prayers. We feel alone as if we are the only ones
who suffer doubt. Ashamed of our doubts, we start to question
whether we believe at all, whether God is even real.
lives in us as long as we have this flesh, as long as we have our
sinful nature. Faith is not absence of doubt, but it is trust in
Christ even amidst doubt. Faith does not mean we never fear, but in
spite of fear and doubt, faith clings to Christ’s promises.
is why Jesus praises John in his doubt. John did not trust what he
saw in the prison. He did not believe his feelings of doubt, but he
sought to hear the Word of Christ. He sent his disciples to ask
Jesus if He was the One who is to come. This was an act of faith.
Faith wants to hear God’s Word; unbelief wants to be far from God’s
Word. John sought assurance in the only place it can actually be
found. He wanted Jesus to send His Word to him. He wanted to hear
God’s Word to strengthen his faith in the midst of overwhelming
question is a question we need to learn. When you are in trouble and
suffering, look past your jail cell of grief. In your trouble, call
on Jesus, flee to Him for refuge. Ask Him, “Are you the victor
over my suffering?” Ask him, “Will you get me through this
difficulty, will you be with me?” In temptation ask him, “Are
you the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?”
In all
these situations, Jesus wants to send His Word to you. He will
respond. See Jesus’ response to John. Jesus gives John His Word,
quoting two passages from Isaiah, “The eyes of the blind shall be
opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped [Is. 35:5],” and “the
poor have good news preached to them [Is. 61:1].” Jesus sent the
best thing possible to John – He sent His Word. He sent His Word,
which answers John’s anxious heart whether or not He is the one who
is to come, by saying, “I am.” Isaiah writes that the very
purpose of these words is to comfort the anxious heart, and this is
exactly Jesus’ purpose in sending them to John. Jesus says, “I
am who I am. I fulfill the prophecies of the Messiah. I preach the
good news of salvation also to you.”
interestingly, Jesus does not carry on with the passage in Isaiah,
which continues, “He has sent me… to proclaim liberty to the
captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound [Is.
61:1].” Jesus does not speak these words that might lead John to
hope for release from prison. Instead, Jesus adds a phrase that does
not appear in these passages of Isaiah. He told John’s disciples
to tell him that the dead are raised up. Jesus does not point John
to hope that suffering and affliction will disappear in this life.
Here Jesus says directly, “Death does not separate you from me. I
am the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Whatever
hardships you may face, even death, you will be raised up to the
eternal bliss of heaven.” With Jesus’ response, with His
promise, John could wait even for Herod’s soldiers to come and
behead him, in his last moments, clinging to the promises of God,
knowing that Jesus will never leave him or forsake him.
is only One who has ever been forsaken by God in the midst of
suffering. There is only One who received no answer to His words of
groaning, and was not rescued despite His trouble. He cried out, “My
God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus was forsaken by His
Father so that you will never be! He suffered to take away your
suffering. His bitter sufferings and death were for your sake, so
that God will be gracious and merciful to you.
God says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you [Heb. 13:5].”
He will not leave you to fend for yourself. His love, which forgives
you all of your sins, gives you the assurance of a future rescue from
all afflictions. Even amidst pain and suffering, God’s Word gives
you life, and assures you of future joy with Him in eternity. These
are Christ’s words that He sends to you, to which you can cling to
comfort your anxious heart. Amen.
the peace of God, which comforts our troubled hearts, keep us in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Turn of the Church Year
We are at the
end of another church year and the beginning of a new one. The end of the church year as well as the
beginning of Advent is a time in which we meditate upon the end of the world
and the second coming of Jesus. We sing
hymns like “The Day is Surely Drawing Near,” or “Wake Awake, for Night is
Flying.” It is a constant reminder to
live our lives in daily repentance.

He comes to judge the nations,
A terror to His foes,
A light of consolations
And blesséd hope to those
Who love the Lord’s appearing.
O glorious Sun, now come,
Send forth Your beams so cheering,
And guide us safely home.
Jesus is
certainly coming. His Kingdom is
coming. And Paul says that it is the
lovers of Jesus’ appearing who will receive the crown of righteousness when
Jesus comes again (2nd Tim 4:8).
But how are we lovers of His appearing?
We can only be lovers of His appearing if His kingdom comes to us, and
it is already here for those who believe in His Name and trust Him alone for
their forgiveness, life, and salvation.
This is what we learn in the Catechism (Lord’s Prayer, 2nd
does God’s kingdom come? God’s
kingdom comes when our heavenly Father give us His Holy Spirit, so that by His
grace we believe His holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in
We enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven right here when we hear His holy
Word through which the Holy Spirit sustains us in our faith in Jesus. So when we pray to our Father in Heaven, we
aren’t praying to some remote place with clouds and cupid angels. Jesus doesn’t live on some planet far
away. No, heaven is close to us who
believe. Why? Because heaven is where God is, and those who
trust in Jesus alone and in His merits, His suffering and dying in your place,
His forgiveness – those who trust the God who justifies the ungodly, their
faith is counted as righteousness, and their God is not far from them. Heaven is high above us, because it is above
our understanding, as God says through the mouth of Isaiah:
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah
But if God
has revealed His mercy to us in the suffering and dying of His Son, and if God
sends the Word of Christ into our ears and into our hearts, then despite our
small understanding we can know for certain that our heaven is actually very
close to us.
And Heaven is
close to us for our benefit. God’s
presence among us is not known in any other way than through His Life-giving
Word of Truth. We experience God not by
getting warm fuzzies or when things are going our way at work or in our
lives. No, we experience God when His
Kingdom comes through the Word of peace and forgiveness of the crucified and
risen Lord Jesus. We know Jesus because
He continues to come to us in His Word.
So when we keep dwelling in His Word, we get to know Him better. It is through faith in Him alone that we are
lovers of His appearing.
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