Friday, November 25, 2011

Propter Christum, I, 1: Church and Scripture

The first issue is finally out!  Click on the link below to read volume I issue 1 of Propter Christum for Advent 2011.  There is one problem the editor would like to point out.  Due to difficulty in the formatting, the first paragraph of the second article (Walther and Krauth) did not come out very well.  Other than that, the rest of the issue looks fine.  The editor did not catch this until after we published the issue.  The editor apologizes for this.  However, we still trust that our readers will enjoy this issue, and we hope readers will contribute with letters to the editor or comments on our blog. 

We are sending a small number of copies to each of the four seminaries in the U. S. and in Canada.  We also hope to send a few issues to some colleges.  If you would like more copies sent to you, please contact the editor at  Otherwise, you can read our issue online by clicking on the link below. 

Happy Advent!  The Lord has come, He comes, and He will come again!  Come Lord Jesus!  Come Quickly! 

Click the link to read first issue:
Propter Christum I, 1: Church and Scripture